Ok. im going really well at the moement and i am starting the intro in a movie clip so it only is one frame
like. The preloader loads. you press play and it starts a movie clip, then at the end its supost to go into the real timeline frames(no in movie clip). but it doesnt, i can only stop. can someone RESPOND as quuick as possible
Oh and i still have no sound cept music, SORRY. i am a fault speaker magnit. but all good, ill figure that out
HERE, HAVE A PIC of my BIG GUN GUY seen in all my cartoons
i will help ya if you make better icons to your animations
OMFG, HEY, H E Y want me to put you in ma cartoon, Send me ya madness guy and i'll FUCK YOU UP, lols Not in life cause im nice. BUT MADNESS TEBAG U N SHT
Plus i like this icon, its a midget getting madness